Counselor's Corner

As the Mittineague school counselor I work with all students to ensure that they develop healthy and positive social, emotional, behavioral and resilience skills. I also provide support to students experiencing stress, isolation, emotional upset, friendship worries, grief / loss, family transitions, behavioral needs or lagging social and emotional skills. I will teach whole class social and emotional health lessons, problem solving and coping skills. I also meet with students in small groups or individually to ensure that our students receive support, build Independence and increase academic success. I work closely with teachers, families and community providers to support our students. I am also available to support families with accessing resources and Community Services.

If your family or child are experiencing any worries at home, I would like to provide some additional support at school. We understand you may not always be able to provide details, and that's okay. If your child is coming to school after a difficult morning, night or weekend, please email or send a TalkingPoints message to me with "Handle With Care". This will let us know that your child may need extra time, patience or help.

Michelle Pelletier - EMAIL